Industry News

The cause of some abnormal fever of the solenoid valve

Introduce the cause of some abnormal fever of the solenoid valve.

Factors affecting the temperature of the electromagnetic coil of the solenoid valve:

1. If it is a DC electromagnet, to reduce the temperature of the coil, it is necessary to consume the heat on the resistance and reduce the temperature of the wire.

2. If it is AC electromagnet, the temperature of its coil rises, and in addition to the impact of its own resistance, the iron core will also heat up. If the iron core in the AC magnetic field has an inductive current, a part of the electrical loss will be consumed, and the temperature of the iron core will rise.

3. Since the coil is wrapped on the iron core, the temperature will be reduced after the heat dissipation, the vortex loss of the iron core will be large, and the AC electromagnetic and the transformers are similar. The loss is large to reduce the temperature of the coil.

4. If the electromagnet is always in power, the temperature is only about forty degrees, this phenomenon is completely normal.